
Welcome to the website of the Studentenwohnheim Geschwister Scholl e.V.

Currently, there are no public events planned.

The new Schollzeit

The newspaper team is delighted to present the new Schollzeit. Enjoy a retrospective look at the past winter semester of 2023/2024, political contributions, recipes, and many photos depicting life in our dormitory! 


Did you know, that we are also writing a blog? You can find the three latest posts here:

The Dormitory

Learn more about the dormitory through the following sections:


Are you currently a student or will you soon be studying at a Munich university? Are you looking for a centrally located, affordable accommodation where everyone pitches in as part of a community?


Our Name
Who were the Scholl siblings after whom the dormitory is named? Why did they become so well-known and why are they so important to German history?
Find out here
History of the Dormitory
Learn about how the dormitory expanded, how life changed for its residents over time, and who led the dormitory.
Read here
History of the Association
Who were the people who founded the Schollheim 60 years ago? What motivated them? Why was the dormitory named after the Scholl siblings?
Find out here
Historical Timeline
What has happened in the 60 years that the Schollheim has existed? Get a chronological overview of the most important events here.
To the Overview
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Support us

The Schollheim is funded through donations, and that’s why we need your help. Enable affordable housing in the heart of Munich with your donation or support!