Our Personnel

The administration

Dor­mi­t­ory direc­tor of Scholl­heim and head of the admi­nis­tra­ti­ve depart­ments of the Scholl­heim and Mar­chio­ni­ni dorm: Alex­an­dra Filser

She is pri­ma­ri­ly respon­si­ble for working tog­e­ther with the self-admi­nis­tra­ti­ons of both dorms, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the sel­ec­tion of new resi­dents, the initia­ti­on, rene­wal, and ter­mi­na­ti­on of resi­den­cy con­tracts, and the enforce­ment of house rules. Addi­tio­nal­ly, she ser­ves as the cont­act per­son for all residents.

Secre­ta­ri­at: Bri­git­te Boge

She sup­ports the mana­ging direc­tor and the direc­tor of the dor­mi­t­ory, taking care of various tasks in the day-to-day business.

Our administration:  Alexandra Filser (left) and Brigitte Boge (right)

The dorm maintenance team

Caret­a­ker: Franz Flieger

The broad spec­trum of caret­a­ker duties pri­ma­ri­ly invol­ves the con­stant effort to ensu­re the func­tio­ning of all tech­ni­cal faci­li­ties, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties, hea­ting, ven­ti­la­ti­on, elec­tri­ci­ty sup­p­ly, as well as main­tai­ning order and safe­ty within the buil­dings and out­door areas.

Clea­ning Staff: Nad­ja Salem Rasch­id, Edi­me Ahme­ti, Anki­ca Vuke­lic, Fat­mi­re Shabani

Wit­hout the­se dear clea­ning fai­ries, some cor­ri­dors would quick­ly look quite dif­fe­rent. As a team, they dedi­ca­te them­sel­ves to the dai­ly batt­le against dust, dirt, and disorder.

Our dorm maintenance team (left to right): Edime Ahmeti, Nadja Salem Raschid, Fatmire Shabani, Ankica Vukelic, Franz Flieger