
Historical Timeline

Die chronologische Abfolge aller Ereignisse, die das Wohnheim und den dahinter stehenden Verein geprägt haben, finden Sie hier. Die Überschriften der Einträge verlinken zu weiterführenden Informationen auf den Seiten Wohnheims- & Vereinsgeschichte.

Historical Timeline

The chronological sequence of all events that have shaped the dormitory and the association behind it can be found here. The headlines of the entries are linked to further information on the pages of dormitory and association history.

April 1964

Opening of House 2

Completion of House 2 leads to additional 98 single rooms.

April 1964

6. April 1965

Alfred Marchionini passes away

Alfred Marchionini, the first chairman of the association, passes away at the age of 66.

6. April 1965

5. June 2010

50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary Celebration of the Student Dormitory

5. June 2010

12. November 2010

Hans Scholl exhibition

The opening ceremony of the Hans Scholl Exhibition with a speech by Dr. Hans-Jochen Vogel in the dormitory’s hall.

12. November 2010

14. January 2020

The inauguration ceremony for House 3 coincided with the 60th-anniversary celebration

On January 14, 2020, House 3 was inaugurated in a grand ceremony, coinciding with the celebration of the dormitory’s 60th anniversary. Speeches and keynote addresses were delivered by Munich’s Mayor Dieter Reiter, co-founder Dr. Hans-Jochen Vogel, and Chairman Prof. Dr. Peter von Rüden.

14. January 2020