


The application process


You can only be admitted to our dormitory, if you:

  • are a regular student at one of the public state universities in Munich, meaning not a guest auditor or exchange student.
  • do not live within the Munich S-Bahn area (exceptions are outlined in the information leaflet).
  • can demonstrate your (financial) need.


There is no deadline for the application, as the move-in and move-out dates at the Geschwister Scholl dormitory and at the Marchionini dormitory are not dependent on the semester schedule.

Submission of application

Please ensure a complete submission of the application. This must include the:

  • application form with two application photos
  • motivational letter
  • CV (curriculum vitae)

Please send all documents together by mail or deliver them in person. Submission via email is not possible.


Received complete applications will be evaluated approximately two months later. You will be promptly informed of the outcome via email.

Accomodation offer

In case of a successful application, you will initially be placed on the waiting list. An offer will be sent to you via email when a room becomes available, and you are next in line on the waiting list according to our allocation criteria. The average waiting time is two semesters.

Room allocation

A month before moving in, a co-called “room allocation” takes place. During this, you will participate in a Zoom meeting where you will get to know the current residents of different hallways, where rooms are available. You will be assigned a room based on your preferences as well as those of the hallway.

Moving in

Move-in typically occurs on the 1st of the following month, although individual arrangements may be possible. The move-in date should ideally fall on a weekday, in order to receive your keys in an easy way from the dorm administration.

Selection criteria

The current residents themselves decide who is allowed to move in through an admission committee, which is part of the student dormitory’s self-administration. Relevant factors for the decision include …
  • personality,
  • engagement,
  • financial situation (need) and
  • the social eligibility for support
  • interest in political themes in accordance with the name of our dormitory,
  • engagement with socially relevant subjects,
  • participation within the community and self-administration.

These aspects should be reflected in the motivation letter. The motivation letter is the most crucial part of your application as it allows the admission committee to assess how well you might fit into our dormitory. Therefore, it should be aesthetically presented, tailored to our specific dormitory, and written without the aid of AI. This selection process aims to ensure that new residents can integrate well into the dormitory.

Moreover, please ensure:

  • the completeness of the application and
  • the consistency and plausibility of information provided in the application form (especially regarding income, please provide transparent details).

Probationary period

If offered a lease by the administration, the residency period is typically limited to three years, with the first year being the so-called probationary period. To evaluate this probationary period, at the end of the first six months following move-in, your hallway neighbors are surveyed anonymously about you as the new neighbor. It’s relevant whether you fulfill your hallway responsibilities, behave appropriately toward your fellow residents, and actively participate in hallway activities. The mediation office evaluates these surveys and decides based on them whether the probationary period has been passed, allowing you to continue living in the dormitory. If you get along well with your hallway neighbors, passing the probationary period shouldn’t be an issue.

The application process for extending the period of residence.

Six months before the end of the regular three-year residency contract, you can apply for an extension of residency. To do so, you must submit an extension request, provide a half-page motivation letter, and have actively participated in the dormitory during the first three years to accumulate the required number of HSV points and attend at the dorm assemblies. Subsequently, the residence council conducts an anonymous survey among the hallway neighbors regarding the continuation of the applicant, similar to the probationary period assessment. Based on the application, motivation letter, points, survey, and possibly additional information, the admission committee decides on the application. If the decision is positive, you may expect a one-year extension of the lease agreement. Multiple extensions can be requested; however, it’s important to note that the required number of HSV points and dorm assembly attendance increases with each extension.

The application documents are currently only available in german, but we are working on the translation!

Application documents

Hier finden Sie die Bewerbungsunterlagen für das Studentenwohnheim Geschwister Scholl e.V. und für das von unserer Verwaltung mitverwaltete Marchionini-Studentenwohnheim. Bitte lesen Sie sich vor Ihrer Bewerbung unbedingt das jeweilige Merkblatt, die Beschreibungen zum Bewerbungsablauf, den Auswahlkriterien, der Probezeit und der Bewerbung zur Wohnzeitverlängerung für weitere Informationen durch.