

Com­mu­ni­ty, enga­ge­ment, respon­si­bi­li­ty, and afforda­ble rents – the­se are the pil­lars that the „Stu­den­ten­wohn­heim Geschwis­ter Scholl e.V.” (short: Scholl­heim) has stood upon sin­ce its estab­lish­ment in 1960 in the heart of Munich. This uni­que com­bi­na­ti­on is owed to various qua­li­ties that aptly descri­be the dormitory:

Space for community

The 214 sin­gle rooms and 55 apart­ments within the Scholl­heim form resi­den­ti­al clus­ters of various sizes known as ‘hall­ways.’ Each hall­way com­pri­ses rooms that bor­der a com­mon cor­ri­dor and the adja­cent apart­ments. Addi­tio­nal­ly, each hall­way offers a com­mu­nal kit­chen or a kit­chen adja­cent to a com­mu­nal space, as well as sani­ta­ry faci­li­ties with show­ers and toi­lets. The resi­dents of a hall­way coll­ec­tively form a hall­way com­mu­ni­ty, invol­ving respon­si­bi­li­ties such as was­te dis­po­sal and cor­ri­dor clea­ning, as well as oppor­tu­ni­ties for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the living envi­ron­ment. The­se oppor­tu­ni­ties ari­se, for ins­tance, through num­e­rous inter­ac­tion points with fel­low resi­dents in the com­mu­nal kit­chen, an ide­al space for con­ver­sa­ti­ons and joint acti­vi­ties such as coo­king ses­si­ons, game nights, and hall­way parties.

Out­side the resi­den­ti­al clus­ters, the­re are num­e­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties to meet other resi­dents (also known as ‘Schol­lis’), for ins­tance, in the cour­ty­ard or at the bar. The dor­mi­t­ory also includes various com­mu­nal spaces for indi­vi­du­al or group acti­vi­ties, such as the sports room, media room, music room, table ten­nis room, bil­li­ards room, work­shop, or crea­ti­ve space. For lar­ger com­mu­nal events like cele­bra­ti­ons, the gene­ral assem­bly, or group work­outs, the hall in House 1 is available.

The Residents

Scholl­heim pro­vi­des a home to many diver­se stu­dents, curr­ent­ly accom­mo­da­ting a total of 269 stu­dents from the sta­te uni­ver­si­ties in Munich. The resi­dents are equal­ly divi­ded bet­ween male and fema­le, and one-third of all resi­dents are inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents coming from various parts of the world. Howe­ver, pre­do­mi­nant­ly, Euro­pean stu­dents find their way to Scholl­heim and its com­mu­ni­ty. Stu­dents from various fields of stu­dy are repre­sen­ted, with a slight­ly stron­ger pre­sence from tech­ni­cal disci­pli­nes due to the clo­se pro­xi­mi­ty to the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich (TUM).

The decis­i­on on who gets to move in is made by the stu­dents them­sel­ves through an admis­si­on com­mit­tee, which is part of the stu­dent dormitory’s self-admi­nis­tra­ti­on. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly rele­vant for the decis­i­on-making pro­cess are the applicant’s per­so­na­li­ty, enga­ge­ment, finan­cial cir­cum­s­tances, and their social eli­gi­bi­li­ty for sup­port, which should be expres­sed in the moti­va­ti­on let­ter. This sel­ec­tion pro­cess aims to ensu­re that new resi­dents inte­gra­te well into the dormitory.

The qua­li­ty of life in the dor­mi­t­ory is evi­den­ced by the fol­lo­wing quo­tes from reports of cur­rent and for­mer resi­dents of Schollheim:

Wil­li Müller-Basler
„Fast 50 Jah­re spä­ter kann man erken­nen, dass eigent­lich „das Scholl­heim“ mich zu dem gemacht hat, der ich heu­te bin. [...] Dass ich dabei Freun­de fand, die mich bis heu­te durchs Leben beglei­tet haben und als Bes­tes, eine tol­le Frau […]“
Alf Urban
„In der gemein­sa­men Frei­zeit spiel­ten wir Tisch­ten­nis, radel­ten zu Bade­seen und durch Parks, gin­gen ins Kino und zum Eis­essen. Auch an den Wochen­en­den blieb eine Mehr­heit lie­ber zusam­men als zu den Eltern zu fah­ren.“
Loren­zo Frick
„Damals, im Dezem­ber 2015, lud mich mein Flur mit mei­nen 19 neu­en Mit­be­woh­nern sofort zur Flur­hüt­te ein. Und ich bin immer noch so froh, dass ich damals zuge­sagt habe. Die­se drei Tage mit mir eigent­lich völ­lig Frem­den in einer Selbst­ver­sor­ger­hüt­te nahe Berch­tes­ga­den soll­ten mich so rich­tig in den Flur inte­grie­ren. Es war ein Sprung ins kal­te Was­ser.“    MEHR LESEN »
„Aber hier im Wohn­heim habe ich genau das bekom­men was jeder Stu­dent braucht: Freun­de, mit denen man zusam­men lebt, die einen unter­stüt­zen, mit denen man spon­tan die Nacht zum Tag macht, gemein­sa­mes Kochen und Essen, Gele­gen­hei­ten neue Men­schen ken­nen­zu­ler­nen in der frem­den Stadt, Fei­ern orga­ni­sie­ren, Ver­ant­wor­tung über­neh­men…“    MEHR LESEN »
Johan­nes Krämer
„Unse­re Flur­ge­mein­schaft ist Gott sei Dank sehr koch- und fei­er­freu­dig. Es gibt qua­si jede Woche Flu­res­sen, die von Klein­grup­pen orga­ni­siert wer­den und immer ein gelun­ge­ner Tages­ab­schluss sind. Außer­dem ver­geht kein Wochen­en­de, an dem wir nicht im Wohn­zim­mer einen klei­nen Par­ty­a­bend mit­ein­an­der und mit ande­ren Freun­den feiern.“
Lau­ra Weber
„Ich lie­be es, auf die Fra­ge mit wie vie­len Leu­ten man zusam­men­lebt „17“ zu ant­wor­ten und den ent­setz­ten Gesichts­aus­druck zu sehen. Wobei ich es mitt­ler­wei­le als „leer“ emp­fin­de, wenn mal meh­re­re Flur­is gleich­zei­tig weg sind und man sich kei­nen weni­ger vor­stel­len kann.“        MEHR LESEN »
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Student self-administration

The most important fea­ture of Scholl­heim is that, unli­ke com­mer­cial dor­mi­t­ories or tho­se mana­ged by the Stu­die­ren­den­werk (public-law insti­tu­ti­on), it is not over­seen by an exter­nal insti­tu­ti­on, but rather allows resi­dents to par­ti­ci­pa­te in its orga­niza­ti­on through the stu­dent dormitory’s self-admi­nis­tra­ti­on (abbre­via­ted as HSV – Heim­selbst­ver­wal­tung). The foun­da­tio­nal aspects aimed at fos­te­ring a har­mo­nious coexis­tence among resi­dents are embedded in the resi­den­ti­al con­tract and house rules. In bet­ween, many are­as are orga­ni­zed, regu­la­ted, exe­cu­ted, and mana­ged through stu­dent enga­ge­ment within the frame­work of HSV. The­se include plan­ning dor­mi­t­ory trips, orga­ni­zing poli­ti­cal, cul­tu­ral, sports, or cele­bra­to­ry events, crea­ting the dormitory’s own news­pa­per „Scholl­Zeit”, and run­ning the dormitory’s bar, just to name a few examp­les. Cru­cial for the fun­da­men­tal orga­niza­ti­on of the dor­mi­t­ory is also the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the sup­port­ing asso­cia­ti­on and the dor­mi­t­ory manage­ment, for which the HSV repre­sen­ta­ti­on and the dorm spea­k­er (Heim­rat) pri­ma­ri­ly hold responsibility.

Fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on on this topic can be found here:

Our conviction

Our logo with the Silhouettes of Hans and Sophie Scholl
Statue of Hans and Sophie Scholl in front of the dormitory
Portraits of the members of the White Rose (Weiße Rose) in our memorial corner
Image of the 6th leaflet of the White Rose in our memorial corner

The dor­mi­t­ory bears the name of the Scholl siblings in remem­brance of two cou­ra­ge­ous young indi­vi­du­als who sacri­fi­ced their lives for free­dom and demo­cra­cy. Sin­ce its estab­lish­ment, the dor­mi­t­ory con­siders it a goal to moti­va­te cur­rent gene­ra­ti­ons of stu­dents to enga­ge in the values of demo­cra­cy. Among the­se values are an inte­rest in poli­ti­cal mat­ters, wil­ling­ness to advo­ca­te for others, taking respon­si­bi­li­ty, and, ulti­m­ate­ly, the belief that self-gover­ned initia­ti­ves are well-sui­ted to ser­ve the inte­rests of all affec­ted par­ties. Accor­din­gly, the dormitory’s spon­sor expects all resi­dents to enga­ge, exch­an­ge ide­as, deba­te, and streng­then and deve­lop their social skills. Hence, par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the resi­den­ti­al com­mu­ni­ty, invol­vement in the HSV (stu­dent dormitory’s self-admi­nis­tra­ti­on), and under­ta­king com­mu­nal respon­si­bi­li­ties are not just encou­ra­ged but also envisaged.

Further information about the dormitory: